The Country Doctor @ Colcoa Virtual
The Country Doctor (Médecin de Campagne)
France – 102min – Color – Not Rated
In French with English Subtitles
Rolling off “Hippocrates”, which world premiered at the Cannes’ Critics’ Week to warm reviews, doctor-turned-filmmaker Thomas Lilti delves once again into the medical world with “THE COUNTRY DOCTOR” (“Irreplaceable”). The social dramedy stars Francois Cluzet (“Intouchables”) as a devoted and revered countryside doctor whose life gets rocked by a middle-age woman who has come from the city hospital to earn her chops. Challenging each other with opposite views on medicine, the pair eventually bonds and learns from one another.
Directed by
Thomas Lilti
François Cluzet (“The Intouchables”), Marianne Denicourt (“My Sex Life”)
The Country Doctor (Médecin de Campagne) - Thomas Lilti